[mou] ID question - Black-backed vs Three-toed

shawn conrad dingermcduff@hotmail.com
Mon, 18 Dec 2006 07:20:53 -0600

On yesterday's CBC near Grand Rapids, I found a bird I believe to be a male 
Three-toed Woodpecker.  I used the Sibley guide to make the identification 
and saw the bird at close range for several minutes.  The bird clearly had 
barring on the length of its back, but it was tighter and more black-on-gray 
compared to what almost looks like a more open and black-on-white patch of 
barring on the Three-toed Woodpeckers in some guides.  I had a partner with 
me who also noted the barring on the bird's back.

I haven't found this in any guide, but I'm wondering if male Black-backed 
Woodpeckers ever show barring on the back.  Conversely, do Three-toed 
Woodpeckers show some variability in the contrast of their barring?  I have 
been asked to provide documentation for this sighting and answers to these 
questions will help me.  Thanks.

Shawn Conrad

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