[mou] Whoopers at end of journey

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Tue, 19 Dec 2006 11:21:28 -0600

Forward of an email received from Operation Migration, the team of 
ultra-light aircraft pilots and support crew guiding Wisconsin's 
freshman crop of Whooping Cranes to their winter home in Florida.

Jim Williams
Wayzata, Minnesota


December 19, 2006
Migration Day 76
With luck, today will be the last EarlyBird e-bulletin.

At 4AM this morning, weather and wind condtions appear similar to 
yesterday's, and I am assuming it will be a 'go' for a flight today - 
the final leg of the main portion of the 2006 migration.

As I will have to leave shortly for the Dunnellon- Marion County 
Airport to set up for the Arrival Flyover Event, this will be the last 
communication until a Field Journal entry can be posted late today.

Hope all you folks that have followed us faithfully over the past 75 
days have your fingers crossed for us that today will see the longest 
migration on record finally completed.

Our sincere thanks to Duke Energy for making it possible for us to 
provide you with the EarlyBird e- bulletin. Through your many calls and 
emails we know you too are appreciative. Please don't be shy about 
letting them know, either directly or through the GuestBook.

(On 'fly days' you will receive a second email from us to let you know 
the full report of the day's activities has been posted to our Field 
Journal. Although no alert is emailed, entries to the Field Journal are 
often still made on 'non-fly' days . The link at the bottom of this 
page will always take you directly to the latest entry.)

Operation Migration Inc.
email: liz@operationmigration.org
phone: 905-982-1096
web: http://www.operationmigration.org/Field_Journal.html