[mou] Glaucous Gull in Wabasha County

Dennis/Barbara Martin dbmartin@skypoint.com
Tue, 26 Dec 2006 19:14:55 -0600

Refound this bird this afternoon when I was able to get down there from Red
Wing.  It was out a fair distance from the rock jetty on the south side of
downtown Lake City but with a scope was easy to identify.  I would estimate
that it was feeding about a third of the way across the lake so clearly
still in Wabasha County.  The clear pink bill with a tip dipped in ink
eliminated this bird from being the unknown glaucous like gull that has been
at Black Dog but which has an all dark bill.

In the area were about 75 gulls, the majority of which were Herring at this
time of day.  The Glaucous Gull seemed to be the big kid on the block and if
it saw something it wanted it would take it away from Herring and
Ring-billeds alike.

Also of interest was a Franklin's Gull in Goodhue County.  This was on the
ice out from Hok-Si-La city park on the north end of Lake City.  Fairly
close to the shore it was roosting with about 250 gulls, most of which were
Herring.  It appeared to be in normal winter plumage (half black hood, etc)
and I would presume that the bird was an adult as it had a fairly red tipped

Feeding in this area was a Common Merganser flock as big as I think I have
ever noted this late in the year.  Didn't attempt to count but the flock
numbered in the several thousands.  Surprising to me was the lack of numbers
of Goldeneyes in the area.  I bet that I saw fewer than 100 in the entire


Dennis and Barbara Martin