[mou] Lake Pepin update

Dedrick Benz benzdedrick@hotmail.com
Wed, 27 Dec 2006 20:21:57 +0000

I spent about an hour or two (wish I could have spent more time) at Lake 
City and Hok-si-la park Wednesday.  I was able to find the FRANKLIN'S GULL 
at the same location as Denny Martin (ie, a loafing flock at Hok-si-la 
park).  Unfortunately, I was not able to locate the GLAUCOUS GULL, but the 
gull numbers were astounding, both within and outside of scopable range, so 
it could still be around.  Another good location to scope from would be at 
the point just north of the marina (ie, at the Subway in town, turn towards 
Lake Pepin on Chestnut; turn right on Harbor Dr; left on Lake St. NW).

Additional finds:

REDHEAD (1 male, 1 female) - just south of the marina
CANVASBACK (1 female) - just south of the marina
AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN - with giant raft of ducks/gulls upriver from marina

Dedrick Benz
Winona, MN

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