[mou] Tropical Update - Jocotoco Birdathon

Andy P andypaulios@yahoo.com
Fri, 29 Dec 2006 12:05:56 -0800 (PST)

Afternoon folks,

I'm passing along an announcement from Craig Thompson,
WI-DNR regarding last summer's Jocotoco Birdathon. 
This was a Wisconsin Bird Conservation Initiative
(WBCI) sponsored fundraiser for the Jocotoco
foundation in Ecuador.  A quick google search will
start you drooling about the reserves they protect and
the associated avifauna.

As you will see from Craig's post we are heading back
for another fundraiser this summer.  There are still
spots left and you are always welcome to contribute. 
Many of these sites contain "our" birds on their
wintering grounds.  Contact Craig if interested at
Craig.Thompson@wisconsin.gov or click on the
Long-wattled Umbrellabird at www.wisconsinbirds.org.

If you or your group is interested in a program
regarding our trip, please contact me offline.


Andy Paulios
Madison, WI

"Well, it happened. The first ever WBCI - sponsored
Jocotoco Birdathon was a smashing success! In
September, a group of twelve adventurous birders, well
stocked with gorp and rain gear, headed to the Andes
of Ecuador to do a bit of "conservation birding".

It's difficult to acurately describe birding in
Ecuador, but "sensory overload" somehow seems
appropriate. When all was said and done, we heard and
saw 390 species of birds. The tally included 47
species of tanagers, 33 species of hummers, myriad
flycatchers, antbirds, ovenbirds, tapaculos, and a
smattering of the rarest feathered denizens on the
planet - Jocotoco Antpitta, Long-wattled Umbrellabird,
and Golden-plumed Parakeet, to name just a few of the 
headliners. We also raised more than $14,000 to help
purchase critical bird habitat in Ecuador.

We had so much fun, we're doing it again in August of
2007! If you're interested in world class birding and
would like to help raise badly needed land acquisition
funds for the Mindo Coludforest Foundation, please
click on the Long-Wattled Umbrellabird at
www.wisconsinbirds.org and consider joining us for the
second annual WBCI International Birdathon. There
still spots available."


-Craig Thompson

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