[mou] Cardinal pair in Ely

Steve Foss stfcatfish@yahoo.com
Sun, 31 Dec 2006 09:50:05 -0800 (PST)

Hi all:

Well, I awoke at 5 a.m. planning to head to the Hedbom
Forest Road for a day's birding/photography, only to find a
hard rain with a forecast changing to snow and up to 7

Thinking about frozen highways and a five-hour round trip
and silly drivers and New Year's Eve and all that, I
aborted the trip.

About an hour ago, the rain changed to snow right on
schedule, and about 10 minutes ago a pair of northern
cardinals showed up at my feeder here in Ely.

Well, I guess if we're going to have another Iowa winter up
by the wilderness, we should expect Iowa birds. :-)

Steve Foss

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