[mou] singing birds

SUSAN HULT incrediblehult@msn.com
Wed, 01 Feb 2006 04:50:50 +0000

In addition to yours, I've heard American Goldfinches, a few Downy 
woodpeckers, and a Great Horned Owl in our neck of the woods (Ham Lake, 
Anoka Co).

>From: "alyssa" <tiger150@comcast.net>
>To: <mou-net@cbs.umn.edu>
>Subject: [mou] singing birds
>Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 15:56:17 -0600
>I'd like to know what bird songs people have heard lately. I've heard:
>@ Blue Jay
>@ Am. Crow
>@ H. Finch
>Nothing exciting, but perhaps an indication that spring's on its way...?
>Alyssa DeRubeis
>Hennipin County