[mou] adopt a bird

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Thu, 2 Feb 2006 16:01:27 -0600


There is a creative initiative intended to assist in the creation of a
Spanish-language Nicaraguan guide to birds. This is specifically an=20
to illustrate all the birds from Nicaragua through the first "Field=20
to the Birds of Nicaragua," a combined project of a number of=20
Nicaraguan birders and ornithologists. The illustrations are the work of
Augusto Silva, who has worked with the project from the start. The
ambitious goal is to publish the guide in 2006.

The adoption-plan consists of financing individual bird-drawings with a
$25-dollar contribution for each species. If you wish, you can even pick
out the species! In exchange, you will receive a final copy of the=20
sponsored drawing.

If you want to "adopt" a bird you should contact and send a
$25-contribution to:

Alejandra Mart=EDnez
Directora de Promoci=F3n y Mercadeo de ALAS
De la Iglesia Catedral, 175 varas al sur, casa # 217
Apartado Postal # 91

More details (in Spanish) and a list of species already 'taken' by
contributors can be found here:

from the Birding Community e-bulletin, Wayne Peterson, author
forward by Jim Williams, Wayzata