[mou] Airport Snowies

Rob Daves rob_daves@yahoo.com
Sun, 5 Feb 2006 05:42:52 -0800 (PST)

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Yesterday afternoon several of us saw a couple of the airport snowies right around sunset.  One, which was mostly white with just a bit of tan barring, was on top of the FedEx building toward the end of Cargo Road.  It was there when I arrived, and stayed for a while.  Eventually, it groomed its talons, stretched its wings, and flew right over our head, lighting on an antenna across the road near a runway. 
  The other was very heavily barred with a white face and was located on a brick building on the west side of the UPS parking lot.  It showed the same behavior:  stretching a bit then flying across the road to alight on top of a streelight at the glycol facility well after sunset.
  Good birding, as Pastor Al says...
  Rob Daves, Minneapolis

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<div>Yesterday afternoon several of us saw a couple of the airport snowies right around sunset.&nbsp; One, which was mostly white with just a bit of tan barring, was on top of the FedEx building toward the end of Cargo Road.&nbsp; It was there when I arrived, and stayed for a while.&nbsp; Eventually, it groomed its talons, stretched its wings, and flew right over our head, lighting on an antenna across the road near a runway. </div>  <div>&nbsp;</div>  <div>The other was very heavily barred with a white face and was located on a brick building on the west side of the UPS parking lot.&nbsp; It showed the same behavior:&nbsp; stretching a bit then flying across the road to alight on top of a streelight at the glycol facility well after sunset.</div>  <div>&nbsp;</div>  <div>Good birding, as Pastor Al says...</div>  <div>&nbsp;</div>  <div>Rob Daves, Minneapolis</div><p>
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