[mou] Sax-Zim birds and SL Red Crossbills

Sun, 12 Feb 2006 21:23:02 EST

    Went through the bog on Friday. Saw Linda Sparling's Snowy Owl NE of 
Meadowlands. It was west of St. Louis 29 just south of SL 740 (Dart Road) sitting 
on one of the large fenceposts in the light snowfall. It was large, full white 
face, white bib and fine dark barring on the rest. Checked again on Saturday 
and again today but did not see it again. Saw the Stone Lake Hawk Owl on 
Friday (N of Stone Lake Road) and again today (S of Stone lake Road.) Saw 250 Snow 
Buntings in cow pasture in NW quadrant from intersection of SL 29 and Dart 
Road (SL 740) and about 100 today. Saw 15 Rough Legged Hawks (5 Dark) in the bog. 
Saw a single Black Billed Magpie harrassing a Dark Phase Rough Legged Hawk on 
the east side of SL7 .5miles N. of SL 28.
    This morning I was coming south on MN73 about a mile South of SL County 
65 (this is north of Chisolm) when I approached two small birds in the road. 
One flew up into a small tree along and as I passed I could see that the other 
was dead on the road. I turned around and went back. The dead bird was a male 
Red-Crossbill. As i held it the female had flown to a taller tree along the HGH 
and vocalized for about a minute as I examined its mate and returned it to 
the side of the road. It was an unfortunate way to get a good look at a 
    John Ellis-St. Paul