[mou] If you love Owls, this is the event of the year

Alt, Mark Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com
Tue, 14 Feb 2006 14:53:34 -0600


is the URL to register for the Northern Owl Symposium to be held at UMD
in Duluth on March 17th, 18th, and 19th.  The MOU (Minnesota
Ornithologists Union) is one of the primary organizers of this event,
and will be strongly represented all presentations. Friday evening (the
17th) will be a family focused evening, with storytelling and live owls
on display, with the possibility of a release of rehabilitated birds
back into the wild.  Saturday (the 18th) will be an impressive list of
speakers, check the website listed above for details.  You will get the
chance to hear first hand details and behaviors observed last winter
when we were invaded by thousands of Great Gray, Boreal,  and Northern
Hawk Owls! Sunday is the chance to interact on important subjects,
volunteerism in support of owl conservation, photography, audio
recording of owls, eco tourism impacts, banding, and educational
opportunities with the subject of owls are all to be covered. These
sessions will be open forums to participate in. Please register this
week and you can get the whole weekend for a $20 discount. We have 100
people coming already and another 100 expected. I hope to see you there.
Proceeds from this symposium go towards the MN Owl Censusing project and
the establishment of an IBA (Important Bird Area) in the Sax Zim Bog
area of St. Louis County. Come fellowship with us and share with us your
love of these great birds. Good Birding.

Mark Alt
President, MOU