[mou] Northwest Sportshow

Sharon Stiteler sharon@birdchick.com
Wed, 15 Feb 2006 21:33:42 -0600

Several birding groups from around the state are working together to  
have a birding booth at the Northwest Sports Show in St. Paul at the  
end of March.  Groups include the MOU, state and local Audubon  
Chapters and the MN DNR just to name a few.  The room will be  
supplied with books, games, videos, optics and all the other tools of  
the trade when it comes to the exciting life of birding.  We need  
volunteers to help work the booth and answer questions.

We'll need volunteers throughout the week but here are areas where we  
really need help:

Tuesday, Mar 28   6pm - 10pm
Wednesday, Mar 29  6pm - 10pm
Thursday, Mar 30  6pm - 10pm
Friday, Mar 31  6pm - 10pm
Saturday, Apr 1
Sunday, Apr 2  10am - 2pm, 2pm - 5pm

This is a great outreach opportunity  just like the State Fair.   
Also, anyone out there who writes about birds, keeps blogs about  
birds, leads bird trips, works in a bird store or any other way to  
work in the birding industry, this is a great way to get people to  
know about you.

To sign up, please contact:

Jenny Vitale
Audubon Minnesota
2357 Ventura Dr.  Suite 106
St. Paul, MN   55125
Tel: 651-739-9332
Fax: 651-731-1330

Sharon Stiteler
Minneapolis, MN
Bird/Wildlife Observation Specialist for www.eagleoptics.com