[mou] Biriding in NE Minnesota, Feb 16-18

Bruce W. Stahly bstahly@boreal.org
Sun, 19 Feb 2006 18:16:57 -0600

Birding around northeast Minnesota (Feb 16-18) with a friend from 
Indiana,  we saw 25 species, of which 5 were new for my friend, including:

Boreal Owl, on Feb 16 (at my feeder near Grand Marais)
Pine Grosbeaks, various places
Common Redpolls, at my feeder
Northern Hawk Owl, on Feb 17, along Highway 61,  reported previously by 
me on this listserv
Bohemian Waxwings, (about 30 in Grand Marais, on Feb 16 and Feb 18)

The Boreal is probably the same bird that was hunting under my feeder 
every night for a week in December, and which was not seen again by me 
until February 9.

Other birds of note were Gray Jays at the Gunflint Lodge on Feb 18,  a 
Rough-legged Hawk (reported previously) in Sax-Zim on Feb 17, and we 
re-found the male Harlequin Duck in Grand Marais harbor on Feb 16.

Bruce Stahly
Grand Marais