[mou] contact legislators to save Sax Zim
Keith Carlson
Wed, 22 Feb 2006 23:44:57 -0600
I have read with alarm Mike Hendrickson's post on the destruction of the Sax
Zim Bog. While I believe little can be done to stop logging on any private
land, further logging on public land within Sax Zim could be stopped with
legislative action. I urge concerned birders to call, write or e-mail their
legislators as well as members of the environment committees to stop this
travesty. Names, addresses, phone numbers & e-mail addresses can be found
at http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/members/hmem.asp for members of the
House and at
http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/members/member_list.php?sort=a#header for
senators. The members of the senate environment committees are
Chair: John Marty
Vice Chair: Tom Saxhaug
Ranking Minority Member: Pat Pariseau
Member: Thomas M. Bakk
Satveer Chaudhary
Dennis R. Frederickson
John C. Hottinger
Michael J. Jungbauer
Sean R. Nienow
Gen Olson
LeRoy A. Stumpf
The members of the House Environment committee are
Chair: Tom Hackbarth (R) 296-2439 rep.tom.hackbarth@house.mn
Vice Chair: Ray Cox (R) 296-7065 rep.ray.cox@house.mn
Lead-DFL: Carlos Mariani (DFL) 296-9714 rep.carlos.mariani@house.mn
Greg Blaine (R) 296-4247 rep.greg.blaine@house.mn
Tony Cornish (R) 296-4240 rep.tony.cornish@house.mn
David Dill (DFL) 296-2190 rep.david.dill@house.mn
Rick Hansen (DFL) 296-6828 rep.rick.hansen@house.mn
Joe Hoppe (R) 296-5066 rep.joe.hoppe@house.mn
Melissa Hortman (DFL) 296-4280 rep.melissa.hortman@house.mn
Margaret Anderson Kelliher (DFL) 296-0171 rep.margaret.kelliher@house.mn
Denny McNamara (R) 296-3135 rep.denny.mcnamara@house.mn
Bud Nornes (R) 296-4946 rep.bud.nornes@house.mn
Dennis Ozment (R) 296-4306 rep.dennis.ozment@house.mn
Maxine Penas (R) 296-9635 rep.maxine.penas@house.mn
Jeanne Poppe (DFL) 296-4193 rep.jeanne.poppe@house.mn
Bev Scalze (DFL) 296-7153 rep.bev.scalze@house.mn
Kathy Tingelstad (R) 296-5369 rep.kathy.tingelstad@house.mn
Jean Wagenius (DFL) 296-4200 rep.jean.wagenius@house.mn
Andy Welti (DFL) 296-4378 rep.andy.welti@house.mn
Torrey Westrom (R) 296-4929 rep.torrey.westrom@house.mn
I also suggest the Audubon Society, MOU and other environmental
organizations should be contacted to take action on this issue as well.
Keith Carlson
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