[mou] Update from Aitkin County

Warren Nelson wenelson@mlecmn.net
Mon, 27 Feb 2006 18:54:04 -0600

        This past weekend I birded around the county and found a few 
interesting things:
     -- 2 Northern Hawk Owls ( at the sight on C.R.56, 2 miles east of 
hwy 169  and at the sight one half mile south of Palisade on C.R.5, on 
the top of a spruce on the west side of the road)
      -- 4 Snowy Owls ( first one on C.R.1, just past the junction with 
C.R.22, sitting on the roof of the shed at the junction:; second on 
C.R.1, in the field on the west side of the road just over the diversion 
channel; the final two birds were along 310th ave off of 450th St, south 
of Palisade)
      -- 2 Great Horned Owls ( one on C.R.1 and the other on C.R.22)
      -- 400 plus Snow Buntings (seem to be everywhere)
      -- Black-billed Magpies ( on 450th St., 3 miles west of C.R.5, 
south of Palisade)
      -- 4 Rough-legged Hawk
      -- 3 Bald eagles
      -- Dozens of Pine Grosbeaks
      -- a Northern Goshawk on C.R.1
     -- Evening Grosbeaks, Redpolls, Horned Larks, Ravens
       Warren Nelson