[mou] Are YOU then next MOU Conservation Chair?

smbc@rohair.com smbc@rohair.com
Tue, 28 Feb 2006 14:03:42 -0600 (CST)

Jan Green has resigned as MOU Conservation Chair. This is unfortunate for
the MOU, but fortunate for Duluth Township, as she was just appointed to
that Planning Commission.

Jan's resignation presents an excellent opportunity for a conservation
minded individual within the MOU to sink their heart and soul into
pressing conservation issues that affect Minnesota birds and birding.
Jan's description of her activities as MOU Conservation Chair are listed

I encourage you excellent conservationists to consider stepping forward to
fill this important position. Interested individuals should contact Mark

Thanks for your consideration.
Roger Schroeder

>From Jan Green
In my capacity as Conservation Chair this past year I have written a few
letters to comment on government proposals.  Other conservation activities
for MOU are twofold.
1) Our membership in the Minnesota Environmental Partnership provides a
presence at the state capitol along with the other 80 organizations that
constitute MEP.  Tom Bell is our representative and makes comments on
issues involving wildlife and habitat.
2) Bird Conservation Minnesota (BCM), an organization governed by a
Coordinating Council with Scott Lanyon as chair, Mark Martell as
vice-chair and Lee Pfannmuller as secretary.  MOU is represented on the
BCM Council by Bob Holtz.  I represent Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory and Jim
Williams represents "bird interests at large".  The Council has just hired
a coordinator, Ron Windingstad, who will have an office at Minnesota
Audubon. The mission of BCM is "to keep common birds common and reverse
species declines".  As BCM goes forward, there will be more coordination
with DNR's  "Tomorrow's Habitat for the Wild and Rare" aka Minnesota's
Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy.

Conservation of birds in Minnesota mostly involves programs that affect
habitat.  Both MEP and BCM provide opportunities for MOU to influence
natural resource issues.