[mou] 3 Iceland Gulls, Black Dog L.

Bruce Fall bafall@umn.edu
Mon, 2 Jan 2006 21:49:59 -0600

Mon. afternoon (2 Jan.) there were 3 Iceland Gulls in the roosting  
gull flock (~500) east of the power plant at Black Dog L. (Dakota  
Co.). Two (1st winter, 3rd winter) have been seen (and photographed)  
previously; the third (adult) is a new arrival. The adult appeared to  
be nominate glaucoides, not kumlieni: outer primaries (both at rest  
and in flight) lacked any darker gray markings, and overall the bird  
looked like a dainty miniature Glaucous Gull. Also present: one 1st  
winter Glaucous Gull and at least four Thayer's Gulls (two 1st  
winter, two adult).

Bruce A. Fall, Minneapolis