[mou] Spruce Grouse, Varied Thrush, etc

Kim R Eckert kreckert@cpinternet.com
Mon, 9 Jan 2006 13:41:17 -0600

The Minn Birding Weekends group turned up a few species of interest 
this past weekend, 7-8 January, in Sax-Zim Bog, Duluth, and Lake 

- Long-tailed Duck (2) / 7 Jan / L Superior, out from Lakewood Rd in 

- Spruce Grouse (2) / 8 Jan / Lake Co Rd 2, 1.2 mi N of Sand River 
(same birds seen on Isabella CBC?)

- Glaucous (2 ad) and Thayer's (one 2nd-winter) gulls / 7 Jan / Canal 
Park in Duluth

- N Hawk Owl / 7 Jan / Stone Lake Rd in Sax-Zim, 0.2 mi E of Co Rd 7 
(seen by m.ob. previously; another seen 6 Jan by part of MBW group on 
McDavitt Rd, ~ 2 mi N of Sax Rd (not found 7 Jan)

- Black-backed Woodpecker (2) / 7 Jan / McDavitt Rd in Sax-Zim, ~2.5 mi 
N of Sax Rd, near blue flagging/red stake on E side of road (seen by 
m.ob. previously; same location as last winter)

- Horned Lark / 7 Jan / Co Rd 7 in Sax-Zim, ~2 mi S of Stone Lake Rd

- Varied Thrush / 7 Jan / N side of UMD campus, along Saint Marie St 
just E of Kirby Dr (with robins in cedars/crabapple/mountain ash trees; 
same bird first seen on Duluth CBC)

- Bohemian Waxwing / 8 Jan / Two Harbors, ~1 block SW of corner of 
South Ave & 3rd St (one with small flock of Cedar Waxwings; Bohemians 
scarce to non-existent recently in Duluth/Two Harbors area)

- Red Crossbill / 8 Jan / Lake Co Rd 2, ~1 mi S of MN Hwy 1

Note that we saw no Sharp-tailed Grouse, N Goshawk, Snowy (but present 
at Superior's municipal airport) or Great Gray owls, Am Three-toed 
Woodpecker, Snow Bunting, White-winged Crossbill (scarce to 
non-existent recently in NE Minn), or Hoary Redpoll.

- Kim Eckert