[mou] Nicollet and Blue Earth Counties

Dennis/Barbara Martin dbmartin@skypoint.com
Sun, 15 Jan 2006 20:35:00 -0600

Came across two different groups of Gray Partridge in Nicollet County while
looking for the Snowy Owls that had been posted in the past.  One group was
on 452nd Street just south of Oak Leaf Lake in the eastern part of the
county.  The second group was one mile east of the intersection of Cty Rds 5
and 27 on 350th Street in the northwest corner of the county.  This group is
an area where manure was spread on the field and is somewhat regular in this
general area as we saw birds in almost this exact same spot four years ago.

Had no success with any snowys.  Our typical result when we look for them in
the southern half of the state.

Did spend some time in Mankato photographing a Carolina Wren coming in to a
feeder.  This would be a first Blue Earth County record.  As this feeder is
only visible from inside the house we will leave it to the owner to post it
on MOU net as we did not obtain permission to post the location.
Documentation will be done.

Dennis and Barbara Martin