[mou] Gyrfalcon sighting/Eden Prairie

Cynthia Slocum saslocum@usfamily.net
Sat, 21 Jan 2006 13:16:26 -0600

On Jan 21  at 8:00 AM my backyard was visited by a white gyrfalcon.  He 
perched about thirty feet up in a cottonwood and surveyed the area briefly 
before flying north across some detention ponds toward Anderson Lakes.  My 
wife and I climbed the berm behind our house and were able to see the bird 
on another deciduous perch 200 yards out.  I've never seen a gyrfalcon 
before, but since there are no other huge all white hawks to choose from, 
I think I'm right.  It certainly wasn't a snowy owl.  Has anyone from the 
Anderson Lakes area of Eden Prairie had a similar sighting?  I attempted 
to relocate the bird along Anderson Lakes Parkway, from Preserve Blvd to 
Hwy 169 with no success.  I also drove down Prairie Lakes Parkway, south 
of the EP Mall where there is a good vantage point of the lake, but no 

Steve Slocum

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