[mou] Sax-Zim, Saturday

b.pomeroy b.pomeroy@mchsi.com
Sat, 21 Jan 2006 20:08:57 -0600

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I went out today in the Bog with a group of birders, mostly from a =
birding club in Wausau, WI.  The morning started out slowly, but we =
found the Hawk Owl about  1/2 east on Stone Lake road, and about 1/4 =
into the woods on the north side.  We later found it again in the =
afternoon, only about 1/4 mile in the woods on the south side, and we =
saw feathers in it's mouth as it feasted on an afternoon snack.  In all =
we saw 20 species, most notably 3 Boreal Chickadees on Blue Spruce Road, =
about 1/2 mile north of 133, all 3 being together in a group, singing =
and flitting about.  We did not locate any Snowies, nor Great Grays.

"I care to live, only to entice people to
 look at Nature's loveliness."
-- John Muir
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<DIV><FONT size=3D2>I went out today in the Bog with a group of birders, =
from a birding club in Wausau, WI.&nbsp; The morning started out slowly, =
but we=20
found the Hawk Owl about&nbsp; 1/2 east on Stone Lake road, and about =
1/4 into=20
the woods on the north side.&nbsp; We later found it again in the =
only about 1/4 mile in the woods on the south side, and we saw feathers =
in it's=20
mouth as it feasted on an afternoon snack.&nbsp; In all we saw 20 =
species, most=20
notably 3 Boreal Chickadees on Blue Spruce Road, about 1/2 mile north of =
all 3 being together in a group, singing and flitting about.&nbsp; We =
did not=20
locate any Snowies, nor Great Grays.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Bruce<BR><A=20
<DIV><FONT size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>"I care to live, only to entice people =
to<BR>&nbsp;look at=20
Nature's loveliness."<BR>-- John Muir</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>
