[mou] Wintering Golden Eagle Survey,Coulee Region,Upper Miss. R.

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Sun, 22 Jan 2006 06:46:51 -0800 (PST)

Scott Mehus of Fountain City, Wis. organized the
second GOEA survey of this area conducted Jan. 21.

My portion of the survey was in southeastern Houston
C., Minn. from LaCrescent south along the River (Hwy.
26 along Pool 8),  to New Albin, Ia, west to Caledonia
& Eitzen, north to the Root R. & LaCrescent. 

Weather was clear & sunny, 30-35 degrees F., mostly
calm. I drove 100 miles. Five hours.

I saw no Golden Eagles.

Other species included:
Tundra Swan------------1 Pool 8
Canada Goose----------11   "
Common Merganser-------2
Bald Eagle------------89 (56A, 30I, 3Unaged) Mostly on
Pool 8
Red-t. Hawk-----------15 (Six "paired up")
Rough-l. Hawk----------2 (dark phase)
Am. Kestrel------------1
Eastern Bluebird-------7

Fred Lesher
LaCrosse, Wis.

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