[mou] Where are they going?

Howard Weinberg hjw_forest@yahoo.com
Fri, 27 Jan 2006 08:08:24 -0800 (PST)

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          Question: I live in Duluth up over the ridge and not too far from Hawk Ridge.  For a while now this winter there have been small flocks of Common Goldeneye winging over the house at dusk and dawn (maybe headed to Lake Superior?).  I usually notice this before sunrise (usually within an hour of sunup when i'm letting the dogs out), and then later between 5 and 6 pm. Why are they flying around the ridge at these times?  I think all of the lakes up near here are iced over now. Could they be roosting?  If not, then what are they doing?   Why are they seemingly going back and forth to something?  Why not just stay at Lake Superior all the time?   Simply out for a bit of exercise to start and end the day?   Any idea's? 
  If you'd like to respond, please do so to me directly.
  Thank you,
  Howard Weinberg (hjw_forest@yahoo.com)

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<DIV id=RTEContent>  <DIV id=RTEContent>  <DIV id=RTEContent>  <DIV id=RTEContent>  <DIV id=RTEContent>  <DIV id=RTEContent>Question: I live in Duluth up over the ridge and not too far from Hawk Ridge.&nbsp; For a while now&nbsp;this winter there have been small flocks of Common Goldeneye winging over the house at dusk and dawn (maybe headed to Lake Superior?).&nbsp;&nbsp;I usually notice this&nbsp;before sunrise (usually within an hour of sunup when i'm letting the dogs out), and then later between 5 and 6 pm.&nbsp;Why are they flying around the ridge at these times?&nbsp; I think all of the lakes up near here are iced over now.&nbsp;Could they be roosting?&nbsp;&nbsp;If not, then what are they doing?&nbsp;&nbsp; Why are they seemingly going back and forth to something?&nbsp; Why not just stay at Lake Superior all the time?&nbsp;&nbsp; Simply out for a bit of exercise to start and end the day?&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Any idea's?&nbsp;</DIV>  <DIV>If you'd like to respond,&nbsp;plea
 se do so
 to me directly.</DIV>  <DIV>Thank you,</DIV>  <DIV>Howard&nbsp;Weinberg&nbsp;(<A href="mailto:hjw_forest@yahoo.com">hjw_forest@yahoo.com</A>)</DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><p>
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