[mou] Anoka County Common Moorhen

Doug Kieser DKieser@CLYNCH.COM
Sat, 1 Jul 2006 15:17:16 -0500

The Common Moorhen found by Cole Foster last weekend was observed
feeding & preening in the open from 8:00 - 9:30am today, and was still
present in the northeast corner of the marsh opening when I left.
Directions:  Park in the "Heritage Lab" parking lot, across county
highway 14 from the entrance road for the Wargo Nature Center.  This is
north of Centerville and south of the overpass over 35W.   Take the path
heading straight east from the parking lot, when you come to a T
intersection go right (south).  Continue down this path, when you come
to a path going northeast, ignore it and continue south.  The path will
eventually turn east, and there will be a large opening in the marsh to
your left, this is where the Moorhen was observed.  Also 2 Least
Bitterns were calling from this marsh.
Doug Kieser