[mou] Silence

Frank Berdan fberdan3@yahoo.com
Sat, 8 Jul 2006 06:46:10 -0700 (PDT)

Chad (and others on Yahoo),

All my MOU-net mail is going into Yahoo's Bulk
mailbox(that is, junk mail/spam) and I have to fish
(!) each message out one at a time.  

I've tried identifying each message as "not spam," but
still no fix.  Anyone else have a better approach?

Frank Berdan

--- Chad Heins <odunamis@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hey birders,
> Sorry to do this to you, but I have not gotten any
> email from the listserv in 3 days now which is
> highly
> unusual.  I'm just testing to see if I get this
> email.
> I did have a pair of Rose-breasted Grosbeaks show up
> at the feeders for the first time this summer and
> the
> pair of Broad-winged Hawks continues to frequent the
> area.
> Chad Heins
> Mankato, MN

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