[mou] Grey Cloud Dunes still birdy

chetmeyers@visi.com chetmeyers@visi.com
Sun, 9 Jul 2006 14:52:53 -0500

Chet Meyers writes:
This morning (7-9) I birded Grey Cloud Dunes and found many of the same birds
Julian Sellers reported over three weeks ago.  The Bell's vireo is still
present about 200 yards NE of the railroad underpass.  Orchard orioles are
feeding young birds near a single live tree (near a dead red cedar) that sits
about three fourths of the way up the hill from the RR tracks, near the middle
of property. If you enter from the 110th St. entrance, just walk in a ways and
then head north along edge of the ridge (Thanks to Jim Gay for this tip). Lots
of field and clay-colored sparrows, as well as vesper and some lark sparrows. 
Grasshopper sparrows are west of the RR tracks, the other side of the
underpass. Also present brown thrasher, dickcissel (They're everywhere 
...they're everywhere!), great horned owl, eastern towhee. It's a great place
to visit. And thank the DNR from saving it from becoming a developed housing
area... which now just about surrounds it. Directions: Highway 61 south to 80th
St. Exit, turn right, then an almost immediate left on Hadley.  Three miles then
left on 100th St. for one mile and right on Ideal. Then one mile and right again
on 110th St. to parking lot, about half a mile.
Chet Meyers