[mou] Big Stone Co. Clarks x Western brood

patrick.beauzay@ndsu.edu patrick.beauzay@ndsu.edu
Sun, 9 Jul 2006 22:43:02 -0500 (CDT)

Hello all,

Just returned from the Big Stone NWR area.  On the way home, three of us
swung by Lake Thielke just north of Ortonville.  On the south side of the
lake, about 75 yards off shore, were a western grebe and an apparent
Clark's grebe together, each sporting one chick on their backs with three
other chicks swimming with the parents.  The Clark's parent may be a
hybrid, as there is no distinct white line above the eye.  The bill is
typical Clark's -- orange-yellow and slightly upturned.  I have a photo
that I will submit to "Recently Seen" and I will also take a copy of the
photo to a faculty member here at NDSU who is an expert on these two
species, and who was instrumental in splitting the two species, to get his
opinion on identification.

To get there: take US75 north from Ortonville and turn east on CR62.  CR62
will curve slightly around the south shore of the lake.  Look for the
birds here.

Good Birding!


Patrick Beauzay
Department of Entomology
217 Hultz Hall, Bolley Drive
North Dakota State University
Fargo, ND 58105
