[mou] Bobolinks

Farrel Graves bgraves@usfamily.net
Mon, 10 Jul 2006 09:01:53 -0500

I also saw a few bobolinks at this site. I believe 2 immature (white on the 
back of their head and neck) and a male and female (he is more light yellow 
on the back of his head). I have a picture, although not real good (too far 
away) if anyone is interested.

Also a few cedar waxwings...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Anna Morphique" <annamorphique@hotmail.com>
To: <sweston2@comcast.net>; <mnbird@lists.mnbird.net>; <mou-net@cbs.umn.edu>
Sent: Sunday, July 09, 2006 4:01 PM
Subject: [mou] RE: [mnbird] Dakota Co. (long & probably too chatty)

> how do you dispense the grape jelly to the Orioles? Is there a special 
> feeder?
>>From: "Steve Weston" <sweston2@comcast.net>
>>To: "mnbird" <mnbird@lists.mnbird.net>,"Mou-net" <mou-net@cbs.umn.edu>
>>Subject: [mnbird] Dakota Co. (long & probably too chatty)
>>Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2006 12:13:58 -0500
>>On Saturday, about noon, being in Lakeville, I went to check out the 
>>prairie near Soberg WMA southwest of CR70 and I-35.   I had visited this 
>>spot about a week ago, and had thought I heard the Henslows singing 
>>intermittently a couple of times, but found it hard to separate the song 
>>out from the background activity of the Sedge Wrens.  This time a Henslows 
>>was singing consistently and the song was unmistakable, east of the 
>>intersection and south of the road,   although I never did see the bird.
>>If you haven't gotten your fix of Bobolinks for the year, they were in my 
>>face most of the time, perching on the fence and scolding me. This time 
>>the males only approached me, with the females in the background scurrying 
>>for food.  I suspect that the nest near the road that last week I was too 
>>close to, has fledged.   Last week I found Dickcissels, food in bill, on 
>>the fence.  This week they seemed less intent on scrounging, and were 
>>actually singing on the wire.   Other birds there included a brown 
>>Thrasher, noisy, but concealed Sedge Wrens all over, and a Marsh Wren. 
>>Also found an Eyed Brown Butterfly.  I talked with one of the locals and 
>>found out that the owners do not hay these fields.
>>In another marsh in Lakeville I found a Spotted Sandpiper that I suspect 
>>was trying to draw me away from its nest.
>>Around the yard on Quiggley Lake the Barred Owls have fledged three, who 
>>are every night begging right outside our window.  The sound is closest to 
>>the scream of Red-tailed Hawk.  Last night they were practicing adult 
>>calls. The Baltimore Orioles are scarfing down the grape jelly.  Yesterday 
>>we had four females/immatures and Cherie tells me that there are two 
>>males. Hairy and Downies with young are visiting the suet and the 
>>chickadees with their darker young ones are constantly parading through 
>>the sunflower feeder.  We have one Woody female that hangs around the 
>>yard, but I hope she is not the one that led between eleven and fourteen 
>>little ones out of one of our boxes.  Our lake is historically quite 
>>inhospitable to your Woodies, although I have never figured out why they 
>>fare so much more poorly than the Mallards.
>>I hope Cherie's list is not so long that I can't get out.
>>Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN
>>mnbird mailing list
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