[mnbird] Re: [mou] Metro Birding

Jbaines317@aol.com Jbaines317@aol.com
Tue, 11 Jul 2006 08:24:39 EDT

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Nighthawks were present over our house in Hastings for much of June. I  don't 
think that I noticed a decrease in numbers. They are one of my favorite  
migrants as well.
As for the Barn Swallows-if the swallows are located over a door that the  
kids must use -some bird stores sell nesting platforms for robins that can be  
put up in a slightly more favorable location. This relocation would probably  
only work if a deterrent were placed on the current location such as plastic  
wrap, a mesh barrier or the shiny 'scare tape' sold at bird stores.

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<DIV>Nighthawks were present over our house in Hastings for much of June. I=20
don't think that I noticed a decrease in numbers. They are one of my favorit=
migrants as well.</DIV>
<DIV>As for the Barn Swallows-if the swallows are located over a door that t=
kids must use -some bird stores sell nesting platforms for robins that can b=
put up in a slightly more favorable location. This relocation would probably=
only work if a deterrent were placed on the current location such as plastic=
wrap, a mesh barrier or the shiny 'scare tape' sold at bird stores.</DIV>
