[mou] Stearns County Sandhill Cranes

Brad Bolduan bbolduan@rconnect.com
Tue, 11 Jul 2006 11:25:32 -0500

I was asked to forward this message to the list.

Brad Bolduan

-----Original Message-----

Please forward this information to the MOU list.

On July 9th I observed two adult Sandhill Cranes with two young (not
fledged) in central Stearns County.  A pair (may be the same) has been
coming to this farm for several years now.  I saw them in May of 2002 in
this same location.  The owner of the land told me they have been there
every year since 2002.  Don't know if this is common or unusual to be in
this area.  This is about two miles from the Sauk River and a few small
lakes in the area.
Clem Klaphake
Bellevue, NE