[mou] MOU RBA 13 July 2006
Anthony Hertzel
Thu, 13 Jul 2006 17:52:56 -0700
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*Minnesota Statewide
*July 13, 2006
-Birds mentioned
Clark's Grebe
Swallow-tailed Kite
Snowy Plover
Summer Tanager
<strong>Hotline:</strong> Minnesota Statewide<br>
<strong>Date:</strong> July 13, 2006<br>
<strong>Sponsor:</strong> Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU) http://moumn.org<br>
<strong>Reports:</strong> (763) 780-8890<br>
<strong>Compiler:</strong> Anthony Hertzel (axhertzel@sihope.com)<br>
This is the Minnesota Birding Report for <b>Thursday, July 13th.</b>
The two adult SNOWY PLOVER -- first found July 1st just southeast of the town of Odessa in Big Stone County -- are still present along with their two chicks. From the Big Stone National Wildllife Refuge, park at maintenance shed on the dike just west of U.S. Highway 75 and go west across road, walking past the old quarry and grove of elm trees. Walk to the end of the spit and look north to the rocky beaches on the opposite shore. The birds were in the short grass and mud flats. I have received some disturbing news about both birders and photographers chasing these birds out into the open, presumably for a better look. Please remember to keep a respectful distance.
Also of note was the July 8th report of a SWALLOW-TAILED KITE seen on state highway 40 about a third of a mile east of Chippewa County Road 2. This is in the extreme northeastern part of the county.
A CLARK'S GREBE with young is at Thielke Lake in Big Stone County just north of Ortonville.
Several birders have reported a SUMMER TANAGER on the Blue Hill Trail of Sherburne NWR in Sherburne County. The bird was on the left side of the trail well before the top of Blue Hill.
The next scheduled update of this tape is <b>Thursday, July 20th.</b>
Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
*Minnesota Statewide
*July 13, 2006
-Birds mentioned
<LI>Clark's Grebe
<LI>Swallow-tailed Kite
<LI>Snowy Plover
<LI>Summer Tanager
<strong>Hotline:</strong> Minnesota Statewide<br>
<strong>Date:</strong> July 13, 2006<br>
<strong>Sponsor:</strong> Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU) http://moumn.org<br>
<strong>Reports:</strong> (763) 780-8890<br>
<strong>Compiler:</strong> Anthony Hertzel (axhertzel@sihope.com)<br>
This is the Minnesota Birding Report for <b>Thursday, July 13th.</b>
The two adult <B style="color: #ad1a07">SNOWY PLOVER</B> -- first found July 1st just southeast of the town of Odessa in Big Stone County -- are still present along with their two chicks. From the Big Stone National Wildllife Refuge, park at maintenance shed on the dike just west of U.S. Highway 75 and go west across road, walking past the old quarry and grove of elm trees. Walk to the end of the spit and look north to the rocky beaches on the opposite shore. The birds were in the short grass and mud flats. I have received some disturbing news about both birders and photographers chasing these birds out into the open, presumably for a better look. Please remember to keep a respectful distance.
Also of note was the July 8th report of a <B style="color: #ad1a07">SWALLOW-TAILED KITE</B> seen on state highway 40 about a third of a mile east of Chippewa County Road 2. This is in the extreme northeastern part of the county.
A <B style="color: #0057ad">CLARK'S GREBE</B> with young is at Thielke Lake in Big Stone County just north of Ortonville.
Several birders have reported a <B style="color: #0057ad">SUMMER TANAGER</B> on the Blue Hill Trail of Sherburne NWR in Sherburne County. The bird was on the left side of the trail well before the top of Blue Hill.
The next scheduled update of this tape is <b>Thursday, July 20th.</b>