[mou] Douglas County Snowy Egret/Cattle Egret

Sun, 16 Jul 2006 20:07:20 EDT

My son Alex and I went birding on Saturday to try to beat the heat. We were 
on the western edge of Douglas County (Douglas County 19) heading southe from 
County 82      when we saw a Cattle Egret on a flyover fron Grant to Douglas 
about 2 miles South of 82. We went south to Whisper Lane and found a Snowy Egret 
in the easternmost tip of the pond where the Little Blue Herons were a couple 
of years ago.
    Missed the Mute Swan at Osakis but saw 250-300 shorebirds at the 
southernmost sewage pond at Osakis. There were 7 species, nothing exciting but fun to 

        John Ellis-St. Paul  7/16/06