[mou] Slaty-backed Gull still present

Kim R Eckert kreckert@cpinternet.com
Sat, 22 Jul 2006 21:11:18 -0500

The gull in Grand Marais identified as an adult Slaty-backed was 
present continually this afternoon between 1:00 and 4:30 on the gravel 
beach between the East Bay Hotel and the Best Western Motel on the East 
Bay side of town. It was also seen at various other locations earlier 
in the day, and at 4:30 the gull flew to the west and was lost from 
sight behind the East Bay Hotel, but presumably it was headed towards 
the harbor or one of the breakwaters. I have not heard if anyone has 
seen it since 4:30.

At this time, indications are that Molly and Ken Hoffman's original 
identification of this gull as a Slaty-backed is indeed correct. Today 
various observers clearly saw and photographed its deep pink orbital 
ring and leg/foot colors, pale yellow irides, size and structure 
similar to that of Herring Gull, medium-black mantle, and the exact 
pattern of its outer primaries, especially the "string of pearls" 
effect on the underside of the primaries. The combination of field 
marks is consistent with Slaty-backed and would seem to eliminate all 
other "black-backed" gull possibilities (i.e., Great Black-backed, 
Western, Kelp, Yellow-footed, Lesser Black-backed), although the 
possibility of it being a hybrid still remains.

Of course, it is ultimately up to the MOU Records Committee to evaluate 
the documentation and confirm the identification. Although Slaty-backed 
Gull is a long-overdue first state record, one certainly has to wonder 
why it would appear here in July, rather than in fall or winter.

Kim Eckert