[mou] Osprey Nest

Ron Green eyeofnature@charter.net
Mon, 24 Jul 2006 06:42:21 -0500

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Went to the nest on Sunday and counted what I believe were 3 in the 
nest, one on the edge of the platform, and another on an adjacent power 
pole. When another Osprey came into the area, it was quickly chased by 
the one sitting on the edge of the platform. Also, in the sky to the 
north west, there were four more flying. All in the nest and around it 
were keeping a very close watch on them. Thanks for the heads up on the 
location of the nest and great directions.

Farrel Graves wrote:
> There is an Osprey nest right by the road (Rt 95) north of 94 just 
> past the Bayport city limit sign. Just a couple hundred feet. The nest 
> is on a platform. Today there were 3 adults and what looks like 1 
> young bird all in the nest at one time. One adult flew before I got a 
> picture. I can share some tomorrow if anyone is interested...  
> --- USFamily.Net <http://www.usfamily.net/dialup.html> - *$8.25/mo!* 
> -- Highspeed <http://www.usfamily.net/dsl.html> - *$19.99/mo!* ---

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Went to the nest on Sunday and counted what I believe were 3 in the
nest, one on the edge of the platform, and another on an adjacent power
pole. When another Osprey came into the area, it was quickly chased by
the one sitting on the edge of the platform. Also, in the sky to the
north west, there were four more flying. All in the nest and around it
were keeping a very close watch on them. Thanks for the heads up on the
location of the nest and great directions.<br>
Farrel Graves wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid002901c6ae01$10befc30$db178340@homea20u6bnikw"
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  <div><font face="Arial" size="2">There is an Osprey nest right by the
road (Rt 95) north of 94 just past the Bayport city limit sign. Just a
couple hundred feet. The nest is on a platform. Today there were 3
adults and what looks like 1 young bird all in the nest at one time.
One adult flew before I got a picture. I can share some tomorrow if
anyone is interested...&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></div>
  <font size="3"><br>
--- <a href="http://www.usfamily.net/dialup.html">USFamily.Net</a> - <b>$8.25/mo!</b>
-- <a href="http://www.usfamily.net/dsl.html">Highspeed</a> - <b>$19.99/mo!</b>
