[mou] Banning State Park

John Cyrus cyrus150@hotmail.com
Wed, 26 Jul 2006 01:48:31 +0000

This is a little late in posting.  I went up to Banning State Park near 
Sandstone in Pine County for the first time this weekend.  Perfect weather 
and a great park.  What was really interesting was the amount of fledgling 
birds that were out.

Unknown thrush(this guy was really young and responded to my spish)
Wood Thrush
Eastern Phoebe(several fledgling and adults)
Eastern Wood-Pewee(many fledgling and adults, one was practicing its pewee 
sound but couldn't get beyond the pe)
Flycatcher(two young seen with adults, sorry I couldn't identify the adults)
Winter Wren(1 heard)
Black-throated Green Warbler(1 seen, 2 heard)
Golden-winged Warbler(I believe I was within 5-10 feet of a nest.  The pair 
was quite agitated when I got near, and I thought I heard what sounded like 
recently hatched birds)
American Redstart
Common Yellowthroat

Another one for amphibian lovers, I stumbled on the yellow morph Wood Frog.

John Cyrus