[mou] MOU RBA 27 July 2006

Anthony Hertzel rba@moumn.org
Thu, 27 Jul 2006 17:39:10 -0700

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*Minnesota Statewide
*July 27, 2006

-Birds mentioned
Snowy Plover
Piping Plover
Slaty-backed Gull

<strong>Hotline:</strong> Minnesota Statewide<br>
<strong>Date:</strong> July 27, 2006<br>
<strong>Sponsor:</strong> Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU) http://moumn.org<br>
<strong>Reports:</strong> (763) 780-8890<br>
<strong>Compiler:</strong> Anthony Hertzel (axhertzel@sihope.com)<br> 

Minnesota Birding Report for <b>Thursday, July 27th. </b>

The dark-backed gull, identified as a first state record SLATY-BACKED GULL, is still being seen in the town of Grand Marais as it has been each day since Ken and Molly Hoffman discovered it on July 21st. It tends to loaf on the rocky beach directly east of downtown and near the East Bay Motel, though it has also been seen in the harbor and on the break wall.

At least one of the two adult SNOWY PLOVER are still present along with their two chicks southeast of the town of Odessa in Big Stone County. From the Big Stone National Wildllife Refuge, park near maintenance shed on the dike just west of U.S. Highway 75 and walk west across the road past the old quarry and grove of elm trees. At the end of the spit look north to the rocky beaches on the opposite shore. A PIPING PLOVER has been reported here recently.

The next scheduled update of this tape is <b>Thursday, August 3rd.</b>

Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"


*Minnesota Statewide
*July 27, 2006

-Birds mentioned
<LI>Snowy Plover
<LI>Piping Plover
<LI>Slaty-backed Gull
<strong>Hotline:</strong> Minnesota Statewide<br>
<strong>Date:</strong> July 27, 2006<br>
<strong>Sponsor:</strong> Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU) http://moumn.org<br>
<strong>Reports:</strong> (763) 780-8890<br>
<strong>Compiler:</strong> Anthony Hertzel (axhertzel@sihope.com)<br>
Minnesota Birding Report for <b>Thursday, July 27th. </b>
The dark-backed gull, identified as a first state record <B style="color: #0057ad">SLATY-BACKED GULL,</B> is still being seen in the town of Grand Marais as it has been each day since Ken and Molly Hoffman discovered it on July 21st. It tends to loaf on the rocky beach directly east of downtown and near the East Bay Motel, though it has also been seen in the harbor and on the break wall.
At least one of the two adult <B style="color: #ad1a07">SNOWY PLOVER</B> are still present along with their two chicks southeast of the town of Odessa in Big Stone County. From the Big Stone National Wildllife Refuge, park near maintenance shed on the dike just west of U.S. Highway 75 and walk west across the road past the old quarry and grove of elm trees. At the end of the spit look north to the rocky beaches on the opposite shore. A <B style="color: #0057ad">PIPING PLOVER</B> has been reported here recently.
The next scheduled update of this tape is <b>Thursday, August 3rd.</b>
