[mou] WHIMBREL - Carlos Avery WMA, Anoka Co.

Dennis/Barbara Martin dbmartin@skypoint.com
Thu, 1 Jun 2006 20:20:22 -0500

Looked for this bird this afternoon.  Had no success today even though we
know that it was seen yesterday afternoon on a mud flat right by the road
until 6:30 PM.  We know it was 6:30 PM because we arrived at 6:31 and missed
it by one minute.  One too many stoplights I guess.

Today there was a breeding plumaged male Hudsonian Godwit on the mud flats.
Other more expected species include all the peeps (mostly white-rumps and
semipalmated sandpipers) along with pectorals, a few semi plovers and one
Short-billed Dowitcher.

We shouldn't have to say this but we understand that somebody needs
reminding that the area to the west of this road (all pool 4) is a sanctury
and that means that you cannot enter it for any reason.  There are clear
signs saying this.  You must bird from the road and thus a scope is rather
necessary for most of the birds.  Enough said.  Stay on the road.

Dennis and Barbara Martin
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Litkey" <blitkey@usfamily.net>
To: "MOU" <mou-net@cbs.umn.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 12:53 PM
Subject: [mou] WHIMBREL - Carlos Avery WMA, Anoka Co.

> A lone Whimbrel was observed from 9:30 - 10:30 this morning at Carlos
> WMA by Dick Rengstorf, Dave Thurston, and myself, and was still there when
> we left the area.  It was at the north end of Pool #4, 250-300 yards west
> the Pool #10 / Pool #4 road.  At times it was difficult to see in the
> and at times it blended in with the mature goslings grazing near it, so be
> patient.
> Bill Litkey (Oakdale)
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