[mou] Re: [SPAM] [mnbird] Gilman; Warbler Report

Blaine Seeliger avocet13@charter.net
Fri, 2 Jun 2006 08:54:13 -0500

Howdy Al and All,

I agree that migration was slow to short. I am 16 species behind last year 
through May in my yard. My most accurate comparison. I work many hours from 
home and don't think I miss a whole lot. Both years I took a full week of 
vacation the third week of may for landscaping projects. And held a big yard 
day both years. I have only seen 80 species this year compared to 96 by this 
date last year. I'm sure this was do to weather patterns and not leaving a 
lot of good days for stop over time. Only two days with more than 3-4 
warbler species, and those days only brought 7 and 9.

Good birding,
 Blaine Seeliger
Dakota Co

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Pastor Al Schirmacher" <PastorAl@PrincetonFreeChurch.net>
To: <mou-net@cbs.umn.edu>; <mnbird@lists.mnbird.net>
Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2006 2:19 PM
Subject: [SPAM] [mnbird] Gilman; Warbler Report

> Stopped at Gilman Ponds again this morning:  Yellow-billed Cuckoo calling 
> across the street, good number of late shorebirds (although the Willet has 
> moved on).
> Have been monitoring warbler migration discussions on various listservs, 
> decided to look over my own numbers/trends for this spring.  These would 
> cover Sherburne, Mille Lacs and (to a lesser degree) Aitkin Counties - 
> birded 5-6 days per week throughout the month, primarily morning walks.
> * Relatively frequent sightings during migration (10-100+ 
> sighting/hearings) - Blue-winged, Golden-winged, Yellow, Chestnut-sided, 
> Yellow-rumped, Palm, Black-and-White, American Redstart, Ovenbird, 
> Northern Waterthrush, Common Yellowthroat
> * Less frequent (4-9 sightings/hearings) - Tennessee, Nashville (both 
> surprising), Cape May, Black-throated Green, Pine, Wilson's
> * Barely there (1-3 sightings/hearings) - Orange-crowned, Northern Parula, 
> Magnolia (unusual), Blackburnian (same), Blackpoll, Connecticut, Mourning 
> (they nest here) - many of these only one
> * Non-existent - Bay-breasted, Canada (usually have multiples of both), 
> Black-throated Blue (not surprising), southern warblers
> Virtually no waves (two, both primarily Yellow-rumped early).  High day 
> was 17 (historically break 20 one to three times per season, both in 
> southern WI & here).  From this birder's somewhat subjective viewpoint, it 
> was a slow spring.
> Am also eighteen overall species behind last year's totals through 5/31.
> Good birding to all!
> Al Schirmacher
> Princeton, MN
> Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties
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