[mou] Waseca County

Julian Sellers JulianSellers@msn.com
Sun, 4 Jun 2006 21:45:14 -0500

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I've birded twice this week in Waseca County--Thursday, 6/1, and today, =
a St. Paul Audubon field trip with four other participants.  Some =
  a.. Bell's Vireo in the regular place in the extreme SE corner of =
Senn-Rich WMA, heard both days (and glimpsed in short flights today).  =
Had to wait a long time both days to hear it, but today it was vocal for =
at least 15 minutes once it got started.
  b.. Loggerhead Shrike on 53 Street in NW part of county, a north-south =
road east of a pond called Hoffman Marsh.  Brian Smith spotted this bird =
on a May 19th Big Day with Dave Bartkey and me.  On 6/1, I watched as =
the shrike took food into a small juniper six times in about 10 minutes. =
 One utility pole on this road has two small junipers and a taller =
deciduous tree growing beside it.  The presumed nest is in the larger =
juniper.  Today, our group found the bird in the same place, preferring =
to perch on the wire right above the junipers.  This time, we did not =
see with certainty that it entered the juniper in about 20 minutes of =
watching.  On all three occasions, none of us has seen more than one =
shrike, but it's possible that the mate is on the nest or that the two =
switched off inside the juniper.
  c.. At least seven Red-necked Grebe nests on Mott Lake.  One at =
Hoffman Marsh.
  d.. On 6/1, a Least Bittern flew across the marsh that's across the =
road from the NW corner of Mott Lake.
  e.. Lots of Dickcissels.
Some lowlights:
  a.. Missed Swainson's Hawk both days at a location where they nested =
last year (and probably the year before) and where one was seen on 5/18 =
and 5/19 this year.  This is along 70 Street, north of CR 9, in the =
center of the county.
  b.. No Henslow's Sparrow at Findley WMA, where at least two were =
present last summer (but not discovered until July).
  c.. Only two (6/1) and one (today) Wood Thrushes singing in Courthouse =
Park.  Many were singing on 5/19, and five or six is a more typical =
  d.. Two Scarlet Tanagers in Courthouse Park on 6/1, but none today.
St. Paul
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<DIV>I've birded twice this week in Waseca County--Thursday, =
today, a&nbsp;St. Paul Audubon field trip with four other =
Some highlights:</DIV>
  <LI>Bell's Vireo in the regular place in the extreme&nbsp;SE corner of =

  Senn-Rich WMA, heard both days (and glimpsed in short flights =
  Had to wait a long time both days to hear it, but today it was vocal =
for at=20
  least 15 minutes once it got started.</LI>
  <LI>Loggerhead Shrike on 53 Street in NW part of county, a north-south =
  east of a pond called Hoffman Marsh.&nbsp; Brian Smith spotted this =
bird on a=20
  May 19th Big Day with Dave Bartkey and me.&nbsp; On 6/1, I watched =
  shrike&nbsp;took food into a small juniper six times in about 10=20
  minutes.&nbsp; One utility pole on this road has two small junipers =
and a=20
  taller deciduous tree growing beside it.&nbsp; The presumed nest is in =
  larger juniper.&nbsp; Today, our group found the bird in the same =
  preferring to perch on the wire right above the junipers.&nbsp; This =
time, we=20
  did not see with certainty that it entered the juniper in about 20 =
minutes of=20
  watching.&nbsp; On all three occasions, none of us has seen more than =
  shrike, but it's possible that the mate is on the nest or that the two =

  switched off inside the juniper.</LI>
  <LI>At least seven Red-necked Grebe nests on&nbsp;Mott Lake.&nbsp; One =
  Hoffman Marsh.</LI>
  <LI>On 6/1, a Least Bittern flew across the marsh that's across the =
road from=20
  the NW corner of Mott Lake.</LI>
  <LI>Lots of Dickcissels.</LI></UL>
<DIV>Some lowlights:</DIV>
  <LI>Missed Swainson's Hawk both days at a location where they nested =
last year=20
  (and probably the year before)&nbsp;and where one was seen on 5/18 and =
  this year.&nbsp; This is along 70 Street, north of CR 9, in the center =
of the=20
  <LI>No Henslow's Sparrow at Findley WMA, where at least two were =
present last=20
  summer (but not discovered until July).</LI>
  <LI>Only two (6/1) and one (today) Wood Thrushes singing in Courthouse =

  Park.&nbsp; Many were singing on 5/19, and five or six is a more =
  <LI>Two Scarlet Tanagers in Courthouse Park on 6/1, but none =
<DIV>St. Paul</DIV></BODY></HTML>
