[mou] Birding Software

Rick fholbrook@cableone.net
Mon, 05 Jun 2006 22:01:07 -0500

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Sharon Stiteler wrote:
> You might want to check out the National Geographic Handheld Guide to 
> Birds.  It's a National Geo Guide on a Palm Pilot.  The best part is 
> that almost every single bird has calls and songs.  It's the most 
> complete audio collection I've ever found.  I beta tested one last 
> winter and just loved it.  There are maps, natural history notes, you 
> name it.  You can even take field notes with it and it fits easily in 
> a pocket.  The software is made by PullUin Software.
> Sharon Stiteler
> Minneapolis, MN
> www.birdchick.com
> Bird/Wildlife Observation Specialist for www.eagleoptics.com
> On Jun 5, 2006, at 2:17 PM, Falcon wrote:
>> Hello All -
>> Suzanne and I are searching for an all-purpose birding
>> application which we will run on laptop and desktop computers, and
>> will likely load onto an IPod as well.  Knowing many of you have
>> investigated and bought software for yourselves, maybe you can offer
>> recommendations.
>> Just speculating, I'd think the perfect software would include
>> everything (illustrations, fields marks, data, distribution, etc.) in
>> the National Geographic  Guide and the Sibley Guide.  It would also
>> be great if the application included bird calls and variations
>> such as we get from Stokes' Bird Sounds and the National Geo's Guide
>> to Bird Sounds.  Next I would want the record-keeping and
>> bird-listing capabilities of an AVI-like program.  And to make it all
>> user-friendly I'd like to see a built-in, intuitive search engine that
>> would keep species illustrations, songs, lists, etc cross-indexed
>> so that we could bring them to the screen in a customized display.
>> So much for daydreaming .. ~smile~
>> Can any of you recommend what is actually available? Maybe include
>> some advice on what to look for and how to evaluate the program?
>> Thank you in advance for all responses.
>> Would you please send replies direct to me, falcon@taloncom.net.
>> - Edward L.
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It seems to me to be quite expensive software and it is not even 
released yet.  I am pretty sure that it would require a relatively new 
PDA to run.  I know it would not show pictures on my 130


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