[mou] Dickcissels, Thanks

Pastor Al Schirmacher PastorAl@PrincetonFreeChurch.net
Wed, 7 Jun 2006 10:33:38 -0500

A number of the listservs have been discussing the tremendous influx of 
Dickcissels, let me add my voice to it - we have at least ten Dickcissels in 
our Mille Lacs neighborhood (relatively new development, still a lot of tall 
grasses) - and they are calling all over the Sherburne Refuge Auto Tour.

Contrast this with a single Dickcissel present in 2004 & 2005 in our five 
acre yard, and none (personally) heard along the tour during that same time 

Thanks for the excellent response to our Cerulean inquiry yesterday - we not 
only have detailed Murphy-Hanrehan information (Cerulean & Hooded), but also 
Lake Maria (Cerulean) and areas around Mankato (Kentucky, Cerulean, Bell's 
Vireo).  Now it's decision time!

Good birding to all.

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties