[mou] Northwest Minnesota Birding Report- Thursday, June 8, 2006

Jeanie Joppru rba@moumn.org
Thu, 8 Jun 2006 19:48:37 -0700

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*Detroit Lakes
*June 8, 2006

-Birds mentioned
American Wigeon
Spruce Grouse
Least Bittern
Turkey Vulture
Red-tailed Hawk
Yellow Rail
Virginia Rail
Upland Sandpiper
Marbled Godwit
Semipalmated Sandpiper
White-rumped Sandpiper
Baird's Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper
Black-billed Cuckoo
Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Eastern Screech-Owl
Northern Hawk Owl
Short-eared Owl
Common Nighthawk
Red-headed Woodpecker
Olive-sided Flycatcher
Willow Flycatcher
Western Kingbird
Loggerhead Shrike
Sedge Wren
Eastern Bluebird
Swainson's Thrush
Golden-winged Warbler
Mourning Warbler
Scarlet Tanager
Lark Sparrow
Henslow's Sparrow
Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow
Dark-eyed Junco
Northern Cardinal
Orchard Oriole
Purple Finch
Red Crossbill
Evening Grosbeak

<strong>Hotline:</strong> Minnesota, Detroit Lakes<br>
<strong>Date:</strong> June 8, 2006<br>
<strong>Sponsor:</strong> Lakes Area Birding Club, Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce<br>
<strong>Reports:</strong> 1-800-542-3992 (weekdays during business hours)<br>
<strong>Compiler:</strong> Jeanie Joppru (ajjoppru@wiktel.com)<br>

This is the Northwest Minnesota Birding Report for Friday, June 9, 2006 sponsored by the Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce. You may also hear this report by calling (218) 847-5743 or 1-800-433-1888.

Beautiful summer weather has come to the northwest this week. Warm temperatures have brought out the bugs, and with them the flycatching birds are much in evidence. Young birds are starting to appear, and flowers are showing up everywhere. The orchids are blooming in the bogs; large yellow Lady's Slippers are in bloom now, and in a week or two we will see the Showy Lady's Slippers along the roadways.

Susan Wiste reported 15 TURKEY VULTURES behind her house in Douglas County west of Alexandria on June 3. John Ellis found an OSPREY near Miltona on June 4.

>From Otter Tail County, Dan and Sandy Thimgan reported that the HENSLOW'S SPARROW is still at Glendalough State Park near the park entrance as of June 5. On June 2, they found BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO, YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOO, and DICKCISSELS at the park.

Patrick Beauzay reported DICKCISSELS at Felton Prairie in Clay County on May 31. Other species seen there included YELLOW RAIL, VIRGINIA RAIL, one EASTERN SCREECH OWL, SEDGE WREN, and 6 NELSON'S SHARP-TAILED SPARROWS. Also on that day, Connie Norheim reported BAIRD'S SANDPIPER, WILLOW FLYCATCHER, and COMMON NIGHTHAWK there. Mel and Elaine Bennefeld saw a RED-HEADED WOODPECKER at the Ponderosa Golf Club on May 30. John Ellis was at Felton Prairie on June 4 where he observed a LOGGERHEAD SHRIKE along CR 26, and LARK SPARROWS and ORCHARD ORIOLES near the gravel pits.


Judy and Victor Pavlish reported a male SCARLET TANAGER along the east side of White Earth Lake in Mahnomen County on May 24.

Ben Wieland reported 5 NELSON'S SHARP-TAILED SPARROWS at the Boy River Marsh along Cass County Road 8 on May 30, and one at the marsh along CR 4 one mile east of CR 8.

In Pennington County, Sue Braastad reported several NELSON'S SHARP-TAILED SPARROWS along 150th St. NE east of Thief River Falls on June 3. These birds were apparently just passing through as we have been unable to locate them since.  On June 8, Linda Felker reported at least 3 pairs of SHORT-EARED OWLS along 190th St. NW in western Pennington County. She also saw BUFFLEHEADS  at the Thief River Falls wastewater treatment ponds. Five EASTERN BLUEBIRD babies were found in our nest box on June 5. 

Shelley Steva had a secondhand report of a female NORTHERN CARDINAL in Stephen  in Marshall County this week.

Larry Wilebski in Kittson County reported a DICKCISSEL on June 4 west of Lancaster. On May 31 he found a LEAST BITTERN, and a RED-TAILED HAWK nest  with young; on June 1 he had an albino PURPLE FINCH come to his feeder near Lancaster. On June 2 Russell Reisz found a DARK-EYED JUNCO in Caribou township in far northeastern Kittson County; and at Twin Lakes WMA, he found a WHIP-POOR-WILL nest. All three rails, UPLAND SANDPIPERS, and SHORT-EARED OWLS have all been seen recently in the county.

Linda Felker was at Hayes Lake State Park in Roseau County on June 8 where she saw MOURNING WARBLER, and SCARLET TANAGER.

Jenny Moorman reported that GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER, RED CROSSBILLS, and EVENING GROSBEAKS were seen in Lake of the Woods County this week. Martin Kehoe found a NORTHERN HAWK OWL along MN 72 at milepost 53 in Lake of the Woods County near the Beltrami county line on May 31.  On May 30, he saw SPRUCE GROUSE, MARBLED GODWIT, and also a SHORT-EARED OWL southeast of Baudette on Gun Club Road. Linda Felker reported AMERICAN WIGEON, OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER, WESTERN KINGBIRD, SWAINSON'S THRUSH, PURPLE FINCH, and EVENING GROSBEAK  at Beltrami Island State Forest  on June 6.

Thanks to all the folks who sent in reports this week.

Please report bird sightings to Jeanie Joppru by email, no later than Thursday each week, at ajjoppru@wiktel.com OR call the Detroit Lakes Chamber's toll free number: 1-800-542-3992. Detroit Lakes area birders please call 847-9202. Please include the county where the sighting took place. When reporting by email please put "NW Bird Report" in the subject line of your message. The next scheduled update of this report is Friday, June 16, 2006.

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*Detroit Lakes
*June 8, 2006

-Birds mentioned
<LI>American Wigeon
<LI>Spruce Grouse
<LI>Least Bittern
<LI>Turkey Vulture
<LI>Red-tailed Hawk
<LI>Yellow Rail
<LI>Virginia Rail
<LI>Upland Sandpiper
<LI>Marbled Godwit
<LI>Semipalmated Sandpiper
<LI>White-rumped Sandpiper
<LI>Baird's Sandpiper
<LI>Pectoral Sandpiper
<LI>Black-billed Cuckoo
<LI>Yellow-billed Cuckoo
<LI>Eastern Screech-Owl
<LI>Northern Hawk Owl
<LI>Short-eared Owl
<LI>Common Nighthawk
<LI>Red-headed Woodpecker
<LI>Olive-sided Flycatcher
<LI>Willow Flycatcher
<LI>Western Kingbird
<LI>Loggerhead Shrike
<LI>Sedge Wren
<LI>Eastern Bluebird
<LI>Swainson's Thrush
<LI>Golden-winged Warbler
<LI>Mourning Warbler
<LI>Scarlet Tanager
<LI>Lark Sparrow
<LI>Henslow's Sparrow
<LI>Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow
<LI>Dark-eyed Junco
<LI>Northern Cardinal
<LI>Orchard Oriole
<LI>Purple Finch
<LI>Red Crossbill
<LI>Evening Grosbeak
<strong>Hotline:</strong> Minnesota, Detroit Lakes<br>
<strong>Date:</strong> June 8, 2006<br>
<strong>Sponsor:</strong> Lakes Area Birding Club, Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce<br>
<strong>Reports:</strong> 1-800-542-3992 (weekdays during business hours)<br>
<strong>Compiler:</strong> Jeanie Joppru (ajjoppru@wiktel.com)<br>
This is the Northwest Minnesota Birding Report for Friday, June 9, 2006 sponsored by the Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce. You may also hear this report by calling (218) 847-5743 or 1-800-433-1888.
Beautiful summer weather has come to the northwest this week. Warm temperatures have brought out the bugs, and with them the flycatching birds are much in evidence. Young birds are starting to appear, and flowers are showing up everywhere. The orchids are blooming in the bogs; large yellow Lady's Slippers are in bloom now, and in a week or two we will see the Showy Lady's Slippers along the roadways.
Susan Wiste reported 15 <B style="color: #0057ad">TURKEY VULTURES</B> behind her house in Douglas County west of Alexandria on June 3. John Ellis found an <B style="color: #0057ad">OSPREY</B> near Miltona on June 4.
>From Otter Tail County, Dan and Sandy Thimgan reported that the <B style="color: #0057ad">HENSLOW'S SPARROW</B> is still at Glendalough State Park near the park entrance as of June 5. On June 2, they found <B style="color: #0057ad">BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO, YELLOW-BILLED</B> <B style="color: #0057ad">CUCKOO,</B> and <B style="color: #0057ad">DICKCISSELS</B> at the park.
Patrick Beauzay reported <B style="color: #0057ad">DICKCISSELS</B> at Felton Prairie in Clay County on May 31. Other species seen there included <B style="color: #0057ad">YELLOW RAIL, VIRGINIA</B> <B style="color: #0057ad">RAIL,</B> one <B style="color: #0057ad">EASTERN SCREECH OWL,</B> <B style="color: #0057ad">SEDGE WREN,</B> and 6 <B style="color: #0057ad">NELSON'S SHARP-TAILED SPARROWS.</B> Also on that day, Connie Norheim reported <B style="color: #0057ad">BAIRD'S SANDPIPER, WILLOW</B> <B style="color: #0057ad">FLYCATCHER,</B> and <B style="color: #0057ad">COMMON NIGHTHAWK</B> there. Mel and Elaine Bennefeld saw a <B style="color: #0057ad">RED-HEADED WOODPECKER</B> at the Ponderosa Golf Club on May 30. John Ellis was at Felton Prairie on June 4 where he observed a <B style="color: #0057ad">LOGGERHEAD SHRIKE</B> along CR 26, and <B style="color: #0057ad">LARK SPARROWS</B> and <B style="color: #0057ad">ORCHARD ORIOLES</B> near the gravel pits.
In Becker County on May 30, Ben Wieland found about 500 shorebirds including <B style="color: #0057ad">WILLET, MARBLED GODWIT,</B> <B style="color: #0057ad">SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPER, WHITE-RUMPED</B> <B style="color: #0057ad">SANDPIPER, BAIRD'S SANDPIPER,</B> and <B style="color: #0057ad">PECTORAL SANDPIPER.</B>
Judy and Victor Pavlish reported a male <B style="color: #0057ad">SCARLET TANAGER</B> along the east side of White Earth Lake in Mahnomen County on May 24.
Ben Wieland reported 5 <B style="color: #0057ad">NELSON'S SHARP-TAILED SPARROWS</B> at the Boy River Marsh along Cass County Road 8 on May 30, and one at the marsh along CR 4 one mile east of CR 8.
In Pennington County, Sue Braastad reported several <B style="color: #0057ad">NELSON'S SHARP-TAILED SPARROWS</B> along 150th St. NE east of Thief River Falls on June 3. These birds were apparently just passing through as we have been unable to locate them since. On June 8, Linda Felker reported at least 3 pairs of <B style="color: #0057ad">SHORT-EARED OWLS</B> along 190th St. NW in western Pennington County. She also saw <B style="color: #0057ad">BUFFLEHEADS</B> at the Thief River Falls wastewater treatment ponds. Five <B style="color: #0057ad">EASTERN BLUEBIRD</B> babies were found in our nest box on June 5.
Shelley Steva had a secondhand report of a female <B style="color: #0057ad">NORTHERN CARDINAL</B> in Stephen in Marshall County this week.
Larry Wilebski in Kittson County reported a <B style="color: #0057ad">DICKCISSEL</B> on June 4 west of Lancaster. On May 31 he found a <B style="color: #0057ad">LEAST BITTERN,</B> and a <B style="color: #0057ad">RED-TAILED HAWK</B> nest with young; on June 1 he had an albino <B style="color: #0057ad">PURPLE FINCH</B> come to his feeder near Lancaster. On June 2 Russell Reisz found a <B style="color: #0057ad">DARK-EYED JUNCO</B> in Caribou township in far northeastern Kittson County; and at Twin Lakes WMA, he found a <B style="color: #0057ad">WHIP-POOR-WILL</B> nest. All three rails, <B style="color: #0057ad">UPLAND SANDPIPERS,</B> and <B style="color: #0057ad">SHORT-EARED OWLS</B> have all been seen recently in the county.
Linda Felker was at Hayes Lake State Park in Roseau County on June 8 where she saw <B style="color: #0057ad">MOURNING WARBLER,</B> and <B style="color: #0057ad">SCARLET TANAGER.</B>
Jenny Moorman reported that <B style="color: #0057ad">GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER, RED</B> <B style="color: #0057ad">CROSSBILLS,</B> and <B style="color: #0057ad">EVENING GROSBEAKS</B> were seen in Lake of the Woods County this week. Martin Kehoe found a <B style="color: #0057ad">NORTHERN HAWK OWL</B> along MN 72 at milepost 53 in Lake of the Woods County near the Beltrami county line on May 31. On May 30, he saw <B style="color: #0057ad">SPRUCE GROUSE, MARBLED</B> <B style="color: #0057ad">GODWIT,</B> and also a <B style="color: #0057ad">SHORT-EARED OWL</B> southeast of Baudette on Gun Club Road. Linda Felker reported <B style="color: #0057ad">AMERICAN WIGEON, OLIVE-SIDED</B> <B style="color: #0057ad">FLYCATCHER, WESTERN KINGBIRD,</B> <B style="color: #0057ad">SWAINSON'S THRUSH, PURPLE</B> <B style="color: #0057ad">FINCH,</B> and <B style="color: #0057ad">EVENING GROSBEAK</B> at Beltrami Island State Forest on June 6.
Thanks to all the folks who sent in reports this week.
Please report bird sightings to Jeanie Joppru by email, no later than Thursday each week, at ajjoppru@wiktel.com OR call the Detroit Lakes Chamber's toll free number: 1-800-542-3992. Detroit Lakes area birders please call 847-9202. Please include the county where the sighting took place. When reporting by email please put "NW Bird Report" in the subject line of your message. The next scheduled update of this report is Friday, June 16, 2006.
