[mou] Fwd: Big Sit Fun

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Fri, 9 Jun 2006 10:39:53 -0500

I have done this once, albeit in the spring, at Crex Meadows. My count 
was 55 species. I did my sitting on the Phantom Lake overlook. It was a 
good time.
Jim Williams

Begin forwarded message:

Date: June 9, 2006 1:52:51 AM CDT
Subject: [BIRDCHAT] Big Sit Fun

This year's Big Sit is scheduled for Sunday, October 8, 2006. This gives
people plenty of time to find a good spot for a sit and do the small 
amount of
preparation necessary to organize a fun and successful one.  For those
unfamiliar with the concept, the Big Sit occurs on the second Sunday of 
October  each
year, when groups of birders across the globe each sit in a 17' circle  
have selected, from which they identify and list all of the bird 
species  they
hear or see from that circle.  It is a competition, an opportunity to
fund-raise for a good local environmental cause, and a fun way to spend 
the  day. It
is free.

Successful Big Sits occur in a pleasant place to be for a day, 
where there is a variety of birds and preferably with a friendly bunch 
birders who like to eat and drink and be bird merry.  Obviously, the  
biggest lists
occur near coastal estuaries, rivers, lakes, and other places  where 
bird rich habitats come together.  It is fun for one day of  the year 
to slow
down and stay put in one place to not only ID birds, but to  observe 
behavior, the effects of time of day and temperature on the birds,  
etc.  It is
surprising what you can see in one location.  In my  local count we 
start at
about 5 am and finish after dark with about 20 birders  splitting up 
the bird
identification duties.  We bring brownies, fruit,  fresh baked breads, 
and have a champagne toast at sunset.

For more information such as rules, how to register your count, species
lists and accounts of particular sites see the articles at
birdwatchersdigest.com/ .  Hopefully, more people will take part in  

Jim Royer
Los Osos, CA

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