[mou] eBird

Derek Bakken spottedtowhee@gmail.com
Sat, 10 Jun 2006 18:11:51 -0500

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I was submitting my recent sighting to eBird today and noticed that
Minnesota was nowhere on the list of top states for submissions.  Wisconsin
and Michigan are beating us!!

Top States - Checklists Submitted in May 2006

New York - 2594
California - 2093
Texas - 1946
Florida - 1546
Wisconsin 1546
Vermont - 1337
Pennsylvania - 1088
New Jersey - 1009
Ohio - 946
Massachusetts - 914
Derek Bakken - 26 (If everyone was as crazy as me, we would only need 100
people to beat New York!!)

This is one of the best birding states in the country.  We know it and now
we should let others know it.

I challenge everyone to log on, start a FREE account and submit their

* It will track your sightings by state, county, country
* You can keep a record of the earliest that you have ever seen a bird
* You can keep records of what birds you have seen ay your favorite hotspots
* You can check out hotspots to see what birds have been reported there
recently or in the past
* Much more

Oh yeah.  It also helps the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Audubon track
birds and use the information for science and conservation.

http://www.ebird.org/content/index.html <http://www.ebird.com>

P.S. - I hope everyone is at least using our own MOU's reporting feature?

http://moumn.org/moureports/season.html <http://moumn.org/>

Thanks for listening to my rant,

Derek Bakken
St. Paul, MN

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<div>I was submitting my recent sighting to eBird today and noticed that Minnesota was nowhere on the list of top states for submissions.&nbsp; Wisconsin and Michigan&nbsp;are beating us!!</div>
<div>Top States - Checklists Submitted in May 2006</div>
<div>New York - 2594</div>
<div>California - 2093</div>
<div>Texas - 1946</div>
<div>Florida - 1546</div>
<div>Wisconsin 1546</div>
<div>Vermont - 1337</div>
<div>Pennsylvania - 1088</div>
<div>New Jersey - 1009</div>
<div>Ohio - 946</div>
<div>Massachusetts - 914</div>
<div>Derek Bakken - 26 (If everyone was as crazy as me, we would only need 100 people to beat New York!!)</div>
<div>This is one of the best birding states in the country.&nbsp; We know it and now we should let others know it.</div>
<div>I challenge everyone to log on, start a FREE account and submit their sightings.&nbsp; </div>
<div>* It will track your sightings by state, county, country</div>
<div>* You can keep a record of the earliest that you have ever seen a bird</div>
<div>* You can keep records of what birds you have seen ay your favorite hotspots</div>
<div>* You can check out hotspots to see what birds have been reported there recently or in the past</div>
<div>*&nbsp;Much more</div>
<div>Oh yeah.&nbsp; It also helps the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Audubon track birds and use the information for science and conservation.</div>
<div><a href="http://www.ebird.org/content/index.html">http://www.ebird.org/content/index.html</a><a href="http://www.ebird.com"></a></div>
<div>P.S. - I hope everyone is at least using our own&nbsp;MOU's reporting feature?</div>
<div><a href="http://moumn.org/moureports/season.html">http://moumn.org/moureports/season.html</a><a href="http://moumn.org/"></a></div>
<div>Thanks for listening to my rant,</div>
<div>Derek Bakken</div>
<div>St. Paul, MN</div>
