[mou] Upland Sandpiper still present, Dakota Co.

James Mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Fri, 16 Jun 2006 17:28:50 -0500

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Between 4:30 and 5:00pm anUpland Sandpiper was in the exact spot as report on 5/31 in Dakota Co. Location is 0.25 miles south of 190th on Biscayne Ave. The bird perched on a power pole on the east side of the road adjacent to a newly mowed hay field. While I watched form a long distance it made several repeated flights from the pole to the high point in the hayfield. It flew to the exact same spot and acted somewhat agitated, ie. short abrupt calls, short flights, and appeared to be searching...probably for its recently mowed nest. 

Eagan, Dakota Co.
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<DIV>Between 4:30 and 5:00pm anUpland Sandpiper was in the exact spot as report on 5/31 in Dakota Co. Location is 0.25 miles south of 190th on Biscayne Ave. The bird perched on a power pole on the east side of the road adjacent to a newly mowed hay field. While I watched form a long distance&nbsp;it made several repeated flights from the pole to the high point in the hayfield. It flew to the exact same spot and acted somewhat agitated, ie. short abrupt calls, short flights, and appeared to be searching...probably for its recently mowed nest. </DIV>
<DIV>Eagan, Dakota Co.</DIV>