[mou] around the metro

Steve Weston sweston2@comcast.net
Fri, 16 Jun 2006 23:54:59 -0500

this seems to be the year for Dickcissels.  They are everywhere in greater 
numbers than I have ever noticed.

Every night the Barred Owls have been quite vocal often roosting in the 
trees next door.  My neighbor across the street counted three owlets sitting 
on the branch in one of her trees.

The Copes Gray Treefrogs have been very loud, buzzing from the trees in our 
yard.  They also like to sit on the window by the door in the evening and 
collect the bugs attracted by the lights shining out.

In the garden we have a bumper crop of wild strawberries, sweet and big.  I 
have never seen so many.  Perhaps, that is because Cherie has not gotten out 
to weed this spring.

In the street drifts of little bouncing dots mark the landing of jumping oak 
galls, unsuccessful in their quest to find dirt for their next life stage. 
these bouncing dots are perhaps a millemeter in diameter.

this week I will garden and stare into the trees.

Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN