[mou] Grey Cloud Dunes

Julian Sellers JulianSellers@msn.com
Sat, 17 Jun 2006 15:37:23 -0500

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A St. Paul Audubon field trip to Grey Cloud Dunes SNA in southern =
Washington County this morning turned up the following species (among =

- Yellow-billed Cuckoo (one flew by)
- Willow Flycatcher (heard)
- Bell's Vireo (heard)
- Eastern Towhee
- Lark Sparrow (one seen, not heard)
- Grasshopper Sparrow (numerous)
- Five other sparrow species
- Dickcissel (numerous)
- Orchard Oriole (a one-year-old male)

The Bell's Vireo is in the brush along the path about 200 yards =
northeast of the underpass under the railroad tracks.  I first heard it =
Thursday afternoon, when I heard BEVI songs from there and another =
150-200 yards farther north--possibly just one bird.  I made a sound =
recording of the one this morning.

On Thursday, I saw the one-year-old male OROR and an adult male OROR, =
both carrying food, in the area where the BEVI is.
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<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV>A St. Paul Audubon field trip to Grey Cloud Dunes SNA in southern=20
Washington County this morning turned up the following species (among=20
<DIV>- Yellow-billed Cuckoo (one flew by)</DIV>
<DIV>- Willow Flycatcher (heard)</DIV>
<DIV>- Bell's Vireo (heard)</DIV>
<DIV>- Eastern Towhee</DIV>
<DIV>- Lark Sparrow (one seen, not heard)</DIV>
<DIV>- Grasshopper Sparrow (numerous)</DIV>
<DIV>- Five other sparrow species</DIV>
<DIV>- Dickcissel (numerous)</DIV>
<DIV>- Orchard Oriole (a one-year-old male)</DIV>
<DIV>The Bell's Vireo is in the brush along the path about 200 yards =
of the underpass under the railroad tracks.&nbsp; I first heard it =
afternoon, when I heard BEVI songs from there and another 150-200 yards =
north--possibly just one bird.&nbsp; I made a sound recording of the one =
<DIV>On Thursday, I saw the one-year-old male OROR and an adult male =
OROR, both=20
carrying food, in the area where the BEVI is.</DIV></BODY></HTML>
