[mou] metro area emps and butterflies

James Pomplun jpomplun@cpinternet.com
Mon, 19 Jun 2006 15:56:53 -0500

I heard my first Alder Flycatchers quite late this year at Old Cedar Bridge
on May 24th. It was as if someone turned on a switch and they were singing
all over the place. I heard the last ones late, I thought, on June 10th from
three places at the Black Dog fen area. Now, early this morning, I heard
what must have been Alder songs from the parking lot and 4 places along the
bluff trail west from the lot. The first two songs were so loud and
surprising it seemed possible they were Acadians, but the sound seemed the
typical Alder "ree-BEEP" rather than the Acadian "PEET-suh." There was also
a Willow Flycatcher singing from its usual place, and a Least Flycatcher. I
didn't see any of them.
While cutting the grass this afternoon, I saw (finally?) my first
Silver-spotted Skipper butterfly for the year. Last evening the yard
produced the first Question Mark butterfly of the year. (Finally!) And
finally, I may have seen a lifer butterfly at Old Cedar yesterday--an
Appalachian Brown. Even the butterflies are coming in late for me.  Jim