[mou] Brown County Today

Brian Smith brsmith@sleepyeyetel.net
Sun, 25 Jun 2006 21:41:09 -0500

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Brett and Janice Culver and myself birded Brown county today and we had =
some good finds.  Highlights were: Cerulean Warbler - TWO males that =
appeared to be defending territory very near each other. We got great =
looks at this beautiful warbler.  This was along Brown Cty. 10, west of =
state Hwy. 4 along the Minnesota river.  Eurasian Collared Dove - three =
birds in the eastern part of Comfrey. We spoke with a homeowner who told =
us that two to three of these "large" doves have been around Comfrey for =
about the past two years.  Henslow's Sparrow - one bird singing in the =
open in the CREP field adjacent to Bashaw WMA, NW of Comfrey.  Blue =
Grosbeak - a male singing near a gravel pit in western Brown county.  =
Red-headed Woodpecker - Brett spotted this bird flycatching insects =
along Cty. Rd. 2. Peregrine Falcon - we found this magnificent adult =
having lunch on an unidentified bird it had caught at the Sleepy Eye =
sewage ponds.  All in all a great day birding (isn't every day of =
birding great, though?) and great company.

Brian Smith
Sleepy Eye
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<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Hi,</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Brett and Janice Culver and myself birded Brown =
county today=20
and we had some good finds.&nbsp; Highlights were: </FONT><FONT =
Warbler - TWO males that appeared to be defending territory&nbsp;very =
near each=20
other. We got great looks at this beautiful warbler.&nbsp; This was =
along Brown=20
Cty. 10, west of state Hwy. 4 along the Minnesota river.&nbsp; =
size=3D2>Eurasian Collared Dove - three birds in the eastern part =
We spoke with a homeowner&nbsp;who told us that two to three of=20
these&nbsp;"large" doves have been around Comfrey for about the past two =
&nbsp;Henslow's Sparrow - one bird singing in the open in the CREP field =

adjacent to Bashaw WMA, NW of Comfrey.&nbsp; Blue Grosbeak - a male =
singing near=20
a gravel pit&nbsp;in&nbsp;western&nbsp;Brown county.&nbsp; Red-headed =
- Brett spotted this bird flycatching insects along Cty. Rd. 2. =
Peregrine Falcon=20
- we found this&nbsp;magnificent&nbsp;adult having lunch on an =
unidentified bird=20
it had caught at the Sleepy Eye sewage ponds.&nbsp;&nbsp;All in all a =
great day=20
birding (isn't every day of birding great, though?) and great=20
<DIV><FONT size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Brian Smith</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Sleepy Eye</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>
