[mou] WANTED: Reports of Long-billed Curlews (LBCU)

Lisa Gelvin-Innvaer lisa.gelvin-innvaer@dnr.state.mn.us
Mon, 06 Mar 2006 12:19:09 -0600

NOTE: I am forwarding this on behalf of the research in hopes that some of =
our MN birders who are inclined to travel and see LBCUs will report their =
observations to aid in the study & conservation of this species. Please do =
not reply directly to this email message. Please reply instead to Daniel =
Ackerman (see below) Thanks! LG:

The Long-billed Curlew (Numenius americanus) is a large (length 23 inches) =
and conspicuous shorebird with a long, decurved bill being its most =
distinctive feature. The curlews' preferred habitat is dry,native =
shortgrass prairie on gently
rolling terrain (mainly found in the southwestern portion of North =
Dakota). This species has become
quite rare, and little information is available concerning its abundance =
and distribution in North Dakota.
For a full-color version of the LONG-BILLED CURLEW REPORTING FORM  &/or to =
submit reports, please contact:
 Daniel S. Ackerman, University of North Dakota, Department of Biology, =
P.O. Box 9019, Grand Forks,ND, 58202-9019
 or email: daniel_ackerman@und.nodak.edu, 701-777-9437.)

Otherwise, the information request includes:

-Observer:                       =20
-Observer Telephone Number:                          (email address also =
would be very  helpful)
-Number Observed: Adult:______ Young:_______
-Location:  Distance and direction from nearest town, GPS coordinates,or =
legal description
-Brief Description of Habitat: